In January there are some great special offers on the Space Savers kitchen storage range, and you can get this nifty little mini-FridgeSmart for only £1.50. It's great for storing chillies. And having reduced my hours at my day job from this week, I have plenty of availability for running your own Tupperware party, so let me know if you need me.
I will certainly not be doing the kind of presentation to your guests that this US consultant has filmed and put on YouTube for the benefit of her fellow consultants. Now, don't get me wrong, the Space Savers are great, I have them in my own kitchen cupboards. And in the US, the new super-sized versions go all the way to the back of your kitchen cabinets, which is a good idea. But mercy me, in her excitement for the new product, does this woman ever draw a breath? I think she was abandoned by her parents and raised by chipmunks.
Wow, she doesn't stop, does she? It's too bad she has to lie, though. 55% larger is *not* twice the storage space, it's only half again the size. And I've used Modular Mates for my brown sugar for years and I always have to soften it up. Maybe I got a bad seal, but the "fresh for at least a year" comment is unproveable and, I think, misleading. Oh well. I took advantage of the sale here in the U.S. and have *lots* of this stuff coming today, so I'll be redoing my kitchen this weekend. I do love the stuff, I just don't like to see someone misrepresenting the facts. I guess she figures she talks so fast no one has a chance to think about what she's said. Good luck with your January sales.
I really want one of them!
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