Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Economies rise and fall, but cakes stand tall

I am doing some work for the London School of Economics. This week staff cock a snook at the global economic meltdown with a fundraising cake sale and tea party, organised by Rose in the Student Services Centre. I donate a couple of pieces of Tupperware for the raffle, including the Expressions Rectangular Server you can see in the bottom right of the picture, bearing an oozy lemon drizzle cake.

I also go along to a meeting of the Fulham WI , and will dropping in on their sisters in North West London next month. Watch this space for a report.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tupperware in my Seoul

In Seoul this week I arrange to stay for a few days with a local family. Since it was around Easter when I left London for Korea, I take them gifts of Lindt chocolate bunnies. Not the most practical thing to transport across the world in my suitcase via the baggage hold and bus transfers, but what better protection than a Tupperware FridgeSmart. The FridgeSmart also helps me bring back some unique Korean foodie souvenirs without crushing the packaging. Tupperware Oysters are handy too: one for my contact lenses, one for the little brushes that my dentist insists I use to clean in the gaps.

I don't get to see the Tupperware kimchi keeper I have often heard about, and which is unique to Tupperware Korea. It is used to store the ubiquitous pickled fermented cabbage that is so central to Korean life, it even has >its own museum in Seoul.

There is an unexpected Tupperware sighting too. At the closing night of the International Women's Film Festival in Seoul I saw a short film called Too Bitter To Love, by a Korean film maker who calls herself Gone. When a schoolgircl character reached for her lunch, I chuckled to see it was in a Tupperware Square Round.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Plastic ware, plastic hair

My first blog of the year. That's shameful. Although I haven't really been doing a lot of Tupperware recently, life has sort of got in the way.

I did recently respond to a party request from Syd, a transplanted Iowan who is now settled in London. She and her friends love any excuse to dress up, and so I bussed it over to Shoreditch one Sunday evening for a glamtastic Tupperware shindig.

Syd and her friends really make an occasion of it, with a dress code that is pitched somewhere between Desperate Housewives, Tales of the City and Valley of the Dolls. I am not sure which was more synthetic, the Tupperware, the outfits, or my wig.

Thanks to Syd's other half Kate, who has allowed me to pinch all these photos from her ravishing selection on Facebook, and which mean I don't need to write much.

The buffet was eye-popping and would have made Fanny Cradock proud:

Even I joined in the dress-up fun by dusting off my "Elton" wig, which last saw action at a (non-dress-up) party thrown by my friend Michael. At that party, no-one had batted an eyelid at my preposterous hair-don't, even when I took it off at the end of the night when my newly shorn head got a bit itchy underneath. I heard later that people assumed I was having chemo, and they were too polite to laugh.