My buffet this year includes devilled eggs, salami on Ritz crackers, a cheese-and-pineapple porcupine, asparagus rolls, Tunnocks chocolate tea cakes, and two Christmas tree shaped cheeseballs. My Tupperware products were fantastic for transporting everything to the Covent Garden Theatre Museum for last minute assembly. And because Tupperware looks so good, and so timeless, I displayed it all on the buffet table itself. Given the setting, it felt like I was creating an installation at a food museum.
Merry Christmas, and enjoy these photos of my splendid buffet, including a little shrine to Fanny Cradock herself.

What an homage to The Fanny, and what a lovely spread, I do like a cheesy pineapple. they're nice and dainty, aren't they? I would have taken two at once, just to save you coming back around with the tray.
Andrew, from a fellow Tuppertart from Down Under... can I please have you blog up this gorgeous Christmas Tree cheesey thing? ps. Target the Aussies in London too... you know we're the 5th biggest Tuppeware country in the world?!?!?! Yay!
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