I wouldn't bother selling Tupperware if I didn't like it and use it myself. And my own Tupperware is getting a particularly good work-out right now because I have decided I need to lose some weight. I have joined my local Slimming World class, and I want to lose about 20 pounds. I know from previous experience that the weekly weigh-in, the food diary, and not least the money I have to pay, are good for concentrating my mind on shedding a stone and a half.
So my fridge is rammed with vegetables in FridgeSmarts, and healthy leftovers in Stuffables. And I haul my healthy lunch to work in Mini-Maxes most days. Today I have an especially impressive stack (see photo) of five separate containers. I am not Mr Two Lunches though -- half of it is my dinner for later: I am going straight from work to see When the Levees Broke, Spike Lee's 4-hour documentary about Hurricane Katrina, and I will definitely need a good feed during the interval.
Those titchy little containers on top of the pile are fantastic. "Midgets" they are called. Not very politically correct, and unfortunately they are not in the current UK catalogue either. I snap them up on eBay whenever I see them. They are great for little gifts and prizes at parties, but right now I am using them myself to take salad dressing for my lunches, and my 28g grated cheese allowance. They are also perfect for measuring out 28g of porridge oats for my breakfast. A customer last Spring wanted some to store the reeds for her bassoon.
I run a party at the weekend for a sweet ex-pat Kiwi family. If I relied on UK customers, I would sell nothing. Daughter Jessica (right), 8, steals the show, and she is a girl not afraid to mix her looks. Today she is working a flamenco dress, jewelled tiara and sparkly Princess heels.
US Tupperware has just launched Tupper Tube, where consultants can upload videos of themselves demonstrating Tupperware products, with the best one every week winning $1000. This week it is Modular Mates, or what we call Space Savers in the UK, and next week's the food preperation range. Aunt Barbara (see last post) has duly uploaded her videos. I will probably borrow her observation that the no-slip rubber base of the Mix N Stor is great for stopping it from sliding around on her hostesses' faux-granite kitchen counters.